1. leht 1-st
World Champion tested positive for EPO
Postitatud: 29. 07. 2004. 11:28
Postitas Alvaro
Postitatud: 30. 07. 2004. 14:57
Postitas SL
Olen endiselt Christoph Sauseri meilinglistis ja täna tuli sealt allolev kiri. Julgelt paneb kolleegi pihta.
*********** Diary: 30.07.2004 ***********
The two faces of Filip ?Popeye? Meirhaeghe
On one hand he has always been very friendly and polite to me, but on the other hand there was this question mark about his drug life. Since yesterday it is clear and every suspicion was confirmed that Popeye?s spinach was not always organic fuel!
He is out! Out, because he cheated us riders, his girlfriend, family and fans! I feel very sorry for them, but definitely not for him. You don?t know how many times I have sufferd behind his back wheel, and I always suppressed my thoughts that his fuel could be something else. He was always an impressive rider who definitely had lots of talent. I still remember at the world cup final in Kaprun last year how he could ride up the super steep muddy slopes and we all had to run after him. Talent or drugs? Probably both.
At the press conference yesterday he said: ?I am only human? Is this an excuse that humans can do whatever we want? That it?s acceptable to cheat? I am human too, but my racing brain is still thinking about my own health now and in the future, healthy performance and the spirit of sport and fair play!
There is always a life after sport and who cares about your results 10 years later! Are you still excited about it when your?re unhealthy?
I always compare this with tuning a small motorloll. It probaby ?rocks like hell? for the first 4 months, but the bearings, valves etc. are not built for that speed and inevitably pretty soon it is a wreck!
Sauser Christoph
Postitatud: 30. 07. 2004. 15:14
Postitas erikr
otselink sauseri varasematele ja ka tulevastele mõtisklustele.
Postitatud: 16. 08. 2004. 11:51
Postitas erikr
viimase (Sept. 2004) Mountain Bike Rideri tagakaanel specializedi reklaam Athens 2004 Meirhaege and Epic Going for Olympic Gold .....
ajakiri tuleb tootmisest iga kuu esimesel kolmapäeval, st 04. 08. uudis vahelejäämisest tuli 29.07, ajakiri oli ilmselt sisuliselt trükis juba.... hea reklaam küll specile
Postitatud: 16. 08. 2004. 12:18
Postitas Ereliukas
erikr kirjutas:viimase (Sept. 2004) Mountain Bike Rideri tagakaanel specializedi reklaam Athens 2004 Meirhaege and Epic Going for Olympic Gold .....
ajakiri tuleb tootmisest iga kuu esimesel kolmapäeval, st 04. 08. uudis vahelejäämisest tuli 29.07, ajakiri oli ilmselt sisuliselt trükis juba.... hea reklaam küll specile
sellise ajakirja trükitsükkel min 7 päeva, aga ei imesta, kui oluliselt pikem.
ühe reklaami pärast ei saa kogu tiraazhi kokku korjata, tuleb lihtsalt aru saada.
Postitatud: 08. 11. 2005. 08:53
Postitas Kuldar
Meirhaeghe plaanib tuleval hooajal comebacki s.t. ametlikult tuleb keelu alt välja 16. jaanuaril 2006.
samas on Herasel epojamad kaelas, seletamist vist jagub...