erikr kirjutas:Kristiano kirjutas:Et mida siis?
28. mai 2006 Rattarallil tohib osaleda ainult MNT-ga?
et siis
juhendi lugesid läbi ja jäi asi segaseks? proovi siis p.7 uuesti läbi lugeda.
Vabandust, mina kui mitte UCI reeglitega eriti kursis olev isik ei tea, mida täpselt tähendavad punktid 1.3.007-1.3.009 ja 1.3.024. No kulutasin siis 15 mintsi otsingu peale ....
1.3.007 -Type
Bicycles and their accessories shall be of a type that is or could be sold for use by anyone practising cycling as a sport. The use of equipment designed especially for the attainment of a particular performance
(record or other) shall be not authorised.
1.3.008 - Position
The rider shall normally assume a sitting position on the bicycle. This position requires that he be supported solely by the pedals, the saddle and the handlebar.
1.3.009 - Steering
The bicycle should have a handlebar which allows it to be ridden and manoeuvred in any circumstances and in complete safety.
1.3.024 - Any device, added or blended into the structure, that is destined to decrease, or which has the effect of decreasing, resistance to air penetration or artificially to accelerate propulsion, such as a protective
screen, fuselage form of fairing or the like, shall be prohibited.
A protective screen shall be defined as a fixed component that serves as a windscreen or windbreak designed to protect another fixed element of the bicycle in order to reduce its wind resistance.
A fuselage form shall be defined as an extension or streamlining of a section. This shall be tolerated as long as the ratio between the length L and the diameter D does not exceed 3.
A fairing shall be defined as the use or adaptation of a component of the bicycle in such a fashion that it encloses a moving part of the bicycle such as the wheels or the chainset. Therefore it should be possible to pass a rigid card (like a credit card) between the fixed structure and the moving part.
Point aga selles, et kõik selleest 1000'st ei viitsi täpselt UCI reegleid uurida ja öelgu selgelt (eesti keeles), mida ei tohi.
Nt kas MTB lenks sarvedega on ikka "any circumstances and in complete safety."??