1. leht 1-st

Vaidavas Kauss MTB Maratons

Postitatud: 05. 09. 2007. 17:15
Postitas krossA4
Sellel nädalavahetusel 9-dal septembril toimub lõunanaabrite juures Apes jalgrattamaraton (MTB).Distantsiks on 55 ja 30 km. Juhendid leheküljelt : http://trek-kauss.lv/nolikums/ ja rajakaart : http://www.trek-kauss.lv/images/upload/ ... _karte.jpg . :)

Postitatud: 06. 09. 2007. 02:51
Postitas JBB

one more thing - Pilt

there will be good $ prizes as well - top3 riders in Elite class will get:
1. - 50LVL
2. - 30LVL
3. - 20LVL

top 6 riders in open classification will get 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10LVL

also fastest in 2 checkpoints on top of highest hills will get some LVL

so, win everything and 150LVL is yours :)

if not to win a race you can win in lottery good stuff from Philips, Thule, Metaleks or even one from two TREK 4300 bikes

if any questions, write info[at]trek-kauss.lv or call Mairis Levans - +37129249496

Postitatud: 08. 09. 2007. 08:59
Postitas krossA4
Kellel oleks plaan minna andke märku !!!

Postitatud: 14. 09. 2007. 20:18
Postitas JBB