Narva - Peipsi via Eesti Energia Õlitööstus and Kuningaküla?

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Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2
Liitunud: 25. 06. 2015. 11:53

Narva - Peipsi via Eesti Energia Õlitööstus and Kuningaküla?

Postitus Postitas zanda » 09. 07. 2015. 20:40


We are 6 Latvians planning to cycle in Estonia in July. Our planned route is Tallinn - Loksa - Viinistu - Võsu - Rakvere - Aseri - Narva - Peipsi - Mustvee - Kallaste - Tartu - Otepää - Valga.

And there is one thing unclear for us and we would like to have some information or advice from you.
From Narva we don't want to go back to Jõhvi and than to Peipsi (more km, and against our idea to travel as close to the border as possible - but roads (asphalt, gravel or even forest roads), not forest trails, as we travel with all things, incl.tents, with us - 3 years ago we cycled around Latvia along the border, and no we in few years want to travel around Estonia - previous summer we made it from Ainaži / Ikla to Tallinn (also Saaremaa, Hiiumaa), this year we continue).

We want to go from Narva to Peipsi thgrouh Eesti Energia Õlitööstus (Eesti SEJ) and Kuningaküla (see route marked with green in map here: ... sp=sharing ), as this way it is closer to border and shorter and could be more interesting. We saw in Endomondo that some people have cycled there.
But in map (see marked with red arrow in previous link) there is sign "no entry" in Eesti Energia Õlitööstus (Eesti SEJ). And we found some notes on internet where travelers wrote that they were not allowed to cycle through.

Our question is - what do you think about our planned route from Narva to Peipsi, and is it possible to cycle through Eesti Energia Õlitööstus (Eesti SEJ)?

Thank you for reading, and any comments are welcome!

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1140
Liitunud: 14. 06. 2010. 22:25

Re: Narva - Peipsi via Eesti Energia Õlitööstus and Kuningak

Postitus Postitas Prommar » 09. 07. 2015. 21:44

I have gone through this area twice on foot and then there didn't seem to be any guards on this bridge, only a schlagbaum, but that was some years ago. Things might have changed in recent years.
If you manage to sneak over that bridge, you should turn left immediately, so you won't end up in the oilshale quarry, there is active mining going on, huge trucks driving etc. Roads are totally fine for touring bikes.
Even if you are not sure if you can get through there, I still recommend to visit that area, those industrial landscapes are pretty cool.

Postitusi: 13
Liitunud: 01. 07. 2006. 10:34

Re: Narva - Peipsi via Eesti Energia Õlitööstus and Kuningak

Postitus Postitas eeekiri » 10. 07. 2015. 21:49

Few days ago I met ~10 lithuanian cyclists near Aseri. They were doing similar round-Estonia hiking, just opposite way. But they skipped that unsure area you asking about. Instead, from Lake Peipsi they went to Jõhvi via Kuremäe. From Jõhvi to Narva by train and then cycling along the coast towards Tallinn.

Postitusi: 156
Liitunud: 30. 04. 2009. 08:28

Re: Narva - Peipsi via Eesti Energia Õlitööstus and Kuningak

Postitus Postitas wagner » 11. 07. 2015. 07:58

You should re-ask in forum for hardcore hikers - To my knowledge, that area is prohibited and heavily guarded (which is pity, since it's logical route, indeed).

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2
Liitunud: 25. 06. 2015. 11:53

Re: Narva - Peipsi via Eesti Energia Õlitööstus and Kuningak

Postitus Postitas zanda » 13. 07. 2015. 09:04

Thank you for your feedback. It seems that we will decide, which way to take to Peipsi, when we get to Narva.

(I couldn't register to because to register you have to answer to the question in Estonian, tried to translate in English with google translate, but translation was weird..).


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