MTB-ga Stockholmis

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Postitusi: 3035
Liitunud: 06. 02. 2003. 16:48

MTB-ga Stockholmis

Postitus Postitas tarmo » 12. 06. 2006. 15:20

Kas keegi on käinud maastikurattaga sõitmas Stockholmis ja selle lähiümbruses? Äkki oskab keegi rääkida sealsetest võimalustest MTB-ga ringi kimada ja isegi mõnda kohta või suunda öelda kuhu poole hoida?

Postitusi: 25
Liitunud: 31. 05. 2005. 20:25

Postitus Postitas tainas » 12. 06. 2006. 16:48

Google abiks. Tegin tööl väikse pausi ja leidsin netist midagi sellist. Pärit saidilt Site tundub päris huvitav, aga kahjuks minu jaoks vales keeles.

Kood: Vali kõik

As already pointed out, "Hellas" or Hellasgården (full name), southeast of Stockholm is one place to visit if you're looking for a good ride. Among the advantages are that it is close to town and offer rides that are both technically challenging as well as a few more or less plain (or dull ;-)) trails for those who are looking for a strict cross-country ride. It takes about half an hour to reach if you travel by bike from central Stockholm. Try their website for further information about how to get there and about on-site facilities:

Another area is Flottsbro, southwest of Stockholm. Not as close to town as Hellasgården, but nevertheless quite nice, especially if you are of a more masochistic nature and relish in epic climbs and fast downhill slopes. It takes about an hour to reach if you go by bike from central Stockholm, although I would recommend you to go by car, it CAN be a bit tricky to find your way if you're new in town. Website:

Hammarbybacken is a small and quite conveniently located skiing area just south of Stockholm, right outside the city limit. It's not an "official" biking area though, and my personal experience is that it's quite easy to get lost, even though I basicly live next door and should find my way around without problems. It almost connects with the Hellas area, which makes for a nicely combined ride, for example starting out by fighting your way to the top of the ski run, then going downhill, and then continue on one of the trails east to Hellasgården. There are also a few shorter trails around the "pile" (It's actually a big pile of garbage covered in dirt...) itself that offer a decent challenge if you like a short and technical ride. Website:

If you are looking for a central location to ride in, you have Djurgården in central Stockholm, a fairly large park and woodland area with lots of trails and tracks. The downside is that you have to share it with about a million or so pedestrians who consider every attempt to ride a bike a personal offense, as well as hordes of unleashed dogs and other kinds of critter, all of them can and will get in your way. (Kind of funny that one of the trails cross an old pet cemetery... ;-)) And the trails aren't that challenging either, but it's nice if you're just looking for a recreational ride in the afternoon. No website that I know of.

You won't find it too hard to find a guide here on Just ask, there are lots of riders here who'd love to show you the way around their favourite trails.

Postitusi: 207
Liitunud: 13. 02. 2003. 15:34

Postitus Postitas opa » 12. 06. 2006. 19:46

Olen viimasel ajal päris palju hammarbybacken'i kandis patseerinud (kahjuks ainult jooksnud) ja süda tilgub ikka verd küll, et ratast kaasas ei ole :( . Singleid, juurikaid, kive, tõuse ja laskumisi on piisavalt. Päris mitut Svenssonit olen seal rattaga treenimas näinud. Koha leiab ilusti üles, kui tehismägi sihtmärgiks võtta.

Postitusi: 24
Liitunud: 13. 06. 2006. 12:05

Postitus Postitas assar » 13. 06. 2006. 12:14

Kui Sulle on Hammarby skidbackeni kant tuttav, siis võtta ette Sickla järvest lõuna-ida poole jääv ala, seal on kena metsane kant.


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