UST kummile prunt ette
Postitatud: 28. 05. 2007. 12:04
Õnnestus üle pudelipõhja sõita. Tulemuseks - kolm sisselõiget, kaks suht pisikest ca 2mm seestpoolt vaadatuna ja 1 ca 4mm. Kumm maha ja paigad peale. aga kummitama jäi mõte, et autodel saab lappida ilma kummi eemaldamata. sobrasin netis ja leidsin sarnase lahenduse ka jalgrattale:

With the advent of tubeless tire technology, we're presented with another novel idea: The Genuine Innovations Tubeless Repair Kit. This consists of a tiny plug tool and five tiny self-vulcanizing tire plugs. At first glance they appear to be a joke. The whole kit is identical to a plug kit for automobile tires—only miniaturized. That said, let us tell you that the Genuine Innovations Tubeless Repair Kit does work….
It is super handy for ultra quick repairs of tubeless tires. It might not work for catastrophic tire damage. However, we’ve found that the plugs do a very good job of sealing holes and cuts that tire sealant will not do alone.
Jätkan otsingut, et leida poodi, kust osta/tellida saaks. Üks variant on ca 5eur komplekt

Tore oleks kui ka eestis keegi ntx ET-bike selle paranduskomplekti oma kataloogi võtaks.

With the advent of tubeless tire technology, we're presented with another novel idea: The Genuine Innovations Tubeless Repair Kit. This consists of a tiny plug tool and five tiny self-vulcanizing tire plugs. At first glance they appear to be a joke. The whole kit is identical to a plug kit for automobile tires—only miniaturized. That said, let us tell you that the Genuine Innovations Tubeless Repair Kit does work….
It is super handy for ultra quick repairs of tubeless tires. It might not work for catastrophic tire damage. However, we’ve found that the plugs do a very good job of sealing holes and cuts that tire sealant will not do alone.
Jätkan otsingut, et leida poodi, kust osta/tellida saaks. Üks variant on ca 5eur komplekt

Tore oleks kui ka eestis keegi ntx ET-bike selle paranduskomplekti oma kataloogi võtaks.