Tervisesport kutsub spinnima, Tallinnas Spartas, 07. dets (NELJAP)
Tervisesport kutsub spinnima, Tallinnas Spartas, 07. dets (NELJAP)
07.12.17. toimub Spartas spinningutrenn. (NELJAPÄEV)
Treeningut viib läbi Sparta spinningutreener Margus Mikk
Osalemiseks registreeri ennast:
mob. 51 52 712
Osalemistasu 5€ maksa Sparta Spordiklubi kassasse.
* Trenn algab kell 18:00
* Treening kestab 1h ja 15 min.
* Maksimaalne treeningrupi suurus on 15 inimest.
* Hea muusika, super seltskond ja legendaarne treener Margus Mikk.
* Spinning annab hea enesetunde.
* Põletab tõhusalt rasva.
* Suurendab vastupidavust.
* Koormust saab ise reguleerida, igal juhul püsid grupis.
Treeningkalender: https://www.facebook.com/tervisesport.m ... =3&theater
Infoks: https://www.facebook.com/events/304558363384457/
On December 7th there will be a spinning workout (thursday)
The workout will be carried out by a trainer Margus Mikk
Maximum group size is 15 people.
To take part, register yourself: janika.berning@gmail.com, mobile 51 52 712
Participation fee 5€ is paid in the Sparta Sports Club’s cash register
During Saturday, the use of gym is included in the price
*The training will start at 18:30
*The training will last for 1h15min
*Good music, fantastic company and legendary trainer Maris
*Spinning gives you a great feeling
*It burns fat effectively
*Increases your endurance
*You can set your pace yourself
Sport is not a target, sport is a lifestyle
Viimati upitas janikaTS, 01. 12. 2017. 09:43.