1. leht 1-st

Tervisesport kutsub spinnima, Tallinnas Spartas, 23. dets (LAUPÄEV)

Postitatud: 18. 12. 2017. 14:09
Postitas janikaTS
23.12.17. toimub Spartas spinningutrenn ( LAUPÄEV)
Treeningut viib läbi Sparta spinningutreener Margus Mikk/EnnLeet

Maksimaalne treeningrupi suurus on 24 inimest.

Osalemiseks registreeri ennast:
mob. 51 52 712
Osalemistasu 5€ maksa Sparta Spordiklubi kassasse.
Laupäeval on hinna sees jõusaal.
* Trenn algab kell 12:00
* Treening kestab 1,5h
* Hea muusika, super seltskond ja legendaarne treener Margus
* Spinning annab hea enesetunde
* Põletab tõhusalt rasva.
* Suurendab vastupidavust.
* Koormust saab ise reguleerida, igal juhul püsid grupis.
Treeningkalender: https://www.facebook.com/tervisesport.m ... =3&theater
Infoks: https://www.facebook.com/events/245445299324073/
Sport pole eesmärk, sport on eluviis.

On December 23th there will be a spinning workout (saturday)
The workout will be carried out by a trainer Margus Mikk/Enn Leet

Maximum group size is 24 people.

To take part, register yourself: janika.berning@gmail.com, mobile 51 52 712
Participation fee 5€ is paid in the Sparta Sports Club’s cash register
During Saturday, the use of gym is included in the price
*The training will start at 12:00
*The training will last for 1,5h
*Good music, fantastic company and legendary trainer Margus
*Spinning gives you a great feeling
*It burns fat effectively
*Increases your endurance
*You can set your pace yourself

Sport is not a target, sport is a lifestyle