Varg kirjutas:huvitav millas see uus materjal ka laiemalt levima hakkab?
Hetkel on AN6 Eestis veel suht haruldane, niiet Alite-ga pead tiba ootama. Ja hakka raha koguma - ntx sama komponendilised rattad, millel ühel 7005 ja teisel AN6 raam, on viimase hind ca 1000 eurot enam.
Üks raamifirma annab sellist inffi:
Aluminium: We tested many, but among them AN6, not yet well-known in the European market, was found to give both excellent rigidity and great strength in the extreme conditions and tests that it was put through.
These results allowed us to use less material in certain areas of the tubing than others. At the same time we were surprised how light it was. Giving unrivalled resistance guaranties, and a weight of 1.117 kg for size 55. In short, this was the best material for our bicycles in 2003.