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keskjooksu keermed

Postitatud: 01. 08. 2009. 17:43
Postitas seen
Hobispordi netipoes on aerozine ja truvativ keskjooksulaagrite juurde märgitud - BSA keermega.
Kas shimano keskjooksud pole siis sama keermega? Kas näiteks aerozine laagrid XT asemele sobivad?

Re: keskjooksu keermed

Postitatud: 01. 08. 2009. 18:15
Postitas veiko
Sobivad küll. BSA on n.ö Inglise tüüp ja ITA itaalia. Enamus MTB'd ja MNT'si on BSA.
Tark raamat kirjutas:What is the difference between BSA (English) and Italian bottom brackets?
A few Road Racing framesets come with an Italian threaded bottom bracket. However, Italian mountain bike framesets come in an English thread. Italian threaded B/B's have a bearing cup diameter of 36mm (measured from top of threads to top of threads on the threaded part of the cup), and are threaded to fit into the bottom bracket shell with 24 threads to the inch. The vastly dominant thread pattern for bottom brackets is English (BSA). Almost every production Mountain Bike and Road Racing Bike sold in the USA is English thread. This is the standard that American bike interests adopted many years ago. English threaded B/B's have a bearing cup diameter, of 1.370" and are threaded to fit into the bottom bracket shell with 24
threads to the inch. Rotor includes the Italian option to fit your needs.

Re: keskjooksu keermed

Postitatud: 01. 08. 2009. 18:25
Postitas seen
veiko kirjutas:Sobivad küll. BSA on n.ö Inglise tüüp ja ITA itaalia. Kõik MTB'd ja enamus MNT'si on BSA.
Tark raamat kirjutas:What is the difference between BSA (English) and Italian bottom brackets?
A few Road Racing framesets come with an Italian threaded bottom bracket. However, Italian mountain bike framesets come in an English thread. Italian threaded B/B's have a bearing cup diameter of 36mm (measured from top of threads to top of threads on the threaded part of the cup), and are threaded to fit into the bottom bracket shell with 24 threads to the inch. The vastly dominant thread pattern for bottom brackets is English (BSA). Almost every production Mountain Bike and Road Racing Bike sold in the USA is English thread. This is the standard that American bike interests adopted many years ago. English threaded B/B's have a bearing cup diameter, of 1.370" and are threaded to fit into the bottom bracket shell with 24
threads to the inch. Rotor includes the Italian option to fit your needs.
Segadusse ajas asjaolu, et shimano keskjooksude juurde polnud keerme tüüpi märgitud. Tänan.

Re: keskjooksu keermed

Postitatud: 02. 08. 2009. 12:06
Postitas Soobel
Heh, olen kuulnud, et BSA olla Bristoli relvatehas, kus muuhulgas toodeti ka jalgrattaid. Logo koosnes küll kolmest hakki seatud täägiga püssist. Ühe sellise ratta rapped leidsin koos Pofabori jt rataste rapetega ämma küüni tagant kivihunnikust. Perekondlikul uurimisel jõudsime järedusele, et tegu oli vanatädi rattaga. Viisin tagasi. Ämmale. Juubeliks. enamvähem restaureeritud kujul, vaid õigeid sopaplekke ei leidnud ja üks velg oli ka vale. Aga vene kroomitud velg erines profiililt vaid mõne millimeetri ja Ukraina kroomitud porilauad saavad ka ilusateks, kui need poleerimispastaga üle käia.
Ja väärib märkimist, et nii sellele BSA-le kui Pofaborile käivad keskjooksu suvalised poest ostetud kulinad, BSA sai vist miskid odavad hiina kausid, Pofaboril on praegu padrun sees.

Ehk see siis seletab, miks seda BSA standardiks nimetatakse?