Easton CNT
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Kõik siia postitatud ostu- ja müügikuulutused kustutatakse. Kuulutuste jaoks on eraldi foorumi alajaotus.
Easton CNT
tänavu kevadel hakkas füüsikute/keemikute hulgas liikuma inff, et miski suht tundmatu USA firma Zyvek on nanotehnoloogiaga vääristanud süsinikkiudu. Too läks kümneid kordi tugevamaks. Easton astus Zyvekiga samasse paati ja kasutas tehnoloogiat pesapalli kurika valmistamiseks.
...Easton has partnered with nanomaterials specialist Zyvex, US, which supplies functionalized nanotubes for the system. Zyvex is able to treat nanotube surfaces so that the tubes disperse more easily in other materials.
carbon nanotubes are magnitudes stronger than the long-length solid fibers and metals used in manufacturing today.
suvel tegi Easton kahasse shveitsi BMC-ga MNT raami.
Nanotube bike enters Tour de France (1 July 2005)
This year?s Tour de France will see cyclists from the Phonak Team use a bike with a frame containing carbon nanotubes. Swiss manufacturer BMC claims that the frame of its "Pro Machine" weighs less than 1 kg and has excellent stiffness and strength.To create the frame, BMC used a composite technology developed by US sports equipment specialist Easton.
Varsti on oodata Easton CNT lenksude ja sadulapostide ilmumist
http://www.eastonbike.com/downloadable_ ... NG-J02.pdf
...Easton has partnered with nanomaterials specialist Zyvex, US, which supplies functionalized nanotubes for the system. Zyvex is able to treat nanotube surfaces so that the tubes disperse more easily in other materials.
carbon nanotubes are magnitudes stronger than the long-length solid fibers and metals used in manufacturing today.
suvel tegi Easton kahasse shveitsi BMC-ga MNT raami.
Nanotube bike enters Tour de France (1 July 2005)
This year?s Tour de France will see cyclists from the Phonak Team use a bike with a frame containing carbon nanotubes. Swiss manufacturer BMC claims that the frame of its "Pro Machine" weighs less than 1 kg and has excellent stiffness and strength.To create the frame, BMC used a composite technology developed by US sports equipment specialist Easton.
Varsti on oodata Easton CNT lenksude ja sadulapostide ilmumist
http://www.eastonbike.com/downloadable_ ... NG-J02.pdf
Tööpaeval, kui ilm ilus, sõidan 5 km. Puhkepäeval olen korduvalt teinud lausa 7 km.
Kindlasti läheb. aga krt teab millal.erko kirjutas:Kas see tähendab, et varsti läheb Merida süsinikkiust raam Veloplusis odavamaks?
Varsti on veniv mõiste. Müügimees speedgoat.com-ist on öelnud sel teemal järgmist. Toores lühitõlge:
Kompanii inff on vaid reklaam tulevasele tootele, et võtaks sul sülje jooksma. sülg venib sul ca aasta või enam, kuna asi on proto tasemel ja tootmisse jõudmine võtab vääääga pikka aega.:
These days it seems that most companies in this industry don't take much interest in getting the products that they love to advertise and hype up to the public out for general retail consumption. Here's an industry secret:
most of the ads that you see for the greatest new products that will totally make YOU the most badass rider in your group won't be available to you for another six to twelve months. For some reason they (the manufacturers) must forget to mention this in their ads. I hate to be the messenger of bad news, but when you see that incredibly hot super model in all of the magazines holding the greatest widget to find its way to the bike industry via NASA technology, try to remember that gizmo won't hit the shelves for a long, long time. Sure all of the glossy bike mags out there get these products first and test them for a day or two and tell you that they've just found what they consider to be the best thing ever on two wheels, but what they don't tell you is that they have the only one in existence, and it will probably be totally redesigned and much crappier by the time you can get your hands on it.
We all know why they do this. It's to make our (the retailer's) and your lives more miserable than they already are. Let's face it, we know you can't, in good faith, ride our bikes without having the nanoncarbon... on our bikes. Who could? However, you won't be able to get this nanoncarbon .. thing on your bike for a year, and even then you'll have to pre-order it now to wait until it comes out. Get in line folks, but bring a sleeping bag for the stay.
Samas nanotehh on ülikõva sõna. On võimalik nt AL toru katta mikromeetrise nanofiiber kihiga, mille tõttu läbipaine kahaneb ca 15 korda. Mistõttu MTB 580mm lenksu mass jääb alla 60g ja tugevus saab olema ca 3X etem praegusest tavalenksust.
PS. Eesti üks kõvemaid nanotehnolooge on Mati Karelson TÜ-st. Tema ja Co tegeleb suunaga, kuidas nanotehno abil viia vajalik seerum inimese haigesse rakku. Saab olema kõva sõna vähi ja sarnaste haiguste otsekontakt ravis.
Tööpaeval, kui ilm ilus, sõidan 5 km. Puhkepäeval olen korduvalt teinud lausa 7 km.
Re: Easton CNT
Lenksu saab Barracuda.be-st.mart kirjutas: Varsti on oodata Easton CNT lenksude ja sadulapostide ilmumist
Easton - EC90 SL CNT XC carbon flat bar 25.4, 119 EUR
: Easton's new CNT (Carbon Nanotubes) technology allows dramatic increase in torsional stiffness and fatigue life (up to 15%) by adding carbon microstructures to the weave (filling the space between the fibers), all this without any weight penalty ! Reinforced brake and lever clamping area. 560 mm wide. 105 gr !!
http://www.mtbikers.com/StoreFront/prod ... CN#reviews
Omanikud on kaaludes saanud tulemuse - 98gr
Andmeid võrreldes, tundub Extralite UltraBar UL, 98 gr, 119EUR tulevat samast hiina tehasest.
innovation of composite technology: carbon fibres are now directly woven in a tubular patterm with no junctions instead of conventional wrapped and jointed sheets; then molded at much higher pressure.
http://www.titancyclery.com/product_inf ... cts_id=691
Tööpaeval, kui ilm ilus, sõidan 5 km. Puhkepäeval olen korduvalt teinud lausa 7 km.
Mul jäi ka CRCs pilk pidama, aga vastupidiselt barracudale ei mainita sel poole sõnagagi, et Not compatible with bar-ends !
Jään huviga oversize tulekut ootama.
ahjaa, Eastonil on ka CNT mnt-kahvel väljas.
Jään huviga oversize tulekut ootama.
ahjaa, Eastonil on ka CNT mnt-kahvel väljas.
Gravity is a Bitch
Kindluse mõttes võiksid miskit sarnast lahendust kasutada:m6mm kirjutas:Oih, kas tavalisele süsiniklenksule (Specialized S-Works) ei tohi ka sarvi panna? Loogika kohaselt peaks see toimima nagu tünnivits, hoiab pilpad paigal ja vormis...
Syntace Plugs are also recommended for all handlebars, in order to protect handlebar ends from crash damage.
Tööpaeval, kui ilm ilus, sõidan 5 km. Puhkepäeval olen korduvalt teinud lausa 7 km.
Usun, et sarvede ärakeelamise jutt tuleneb mitte ebapiisavast väändejäikusest, aga karboni haprusest teravale muljumisele.
http://www.eastonbike.com/downloadable_ ... arends.pdf
ehk siis mõnedel sarvedel tekib kinnikeeramisel nö. nurgaga muljumine.
http://www.eastonbike.com/downloadable_ ... arends.pdf
ehk siis mõnedel sarvedel tekib kinnikeeramisel nö. nurgaga muljumine.
Gravity is a Bitch