Esihammsrataste hammaste arv
Foorumi reeglid
Kõik siia postitatud ostu- ja müügikuulutused kustutatakse. Kuulutuste jaoks on eraldi foorumi alajaotus.
Kõik siia postitatud ostu- ja müügikuulutused kustutatakse. Kuulutuste jaoks on eraldi foorumi alajaotus.
Ma vaatan, et sa oled päris arukas poiss. Tubli. Loe nüüd enda hambad ka üle. (Alusta ülemistest)huko kirjutas:Lugeda oskad?Klemm kirjutas:Ma ei oskagi öelda mitu hammast mul kuskil on Kas keegi oskab öelda Ees on tavaline LX ja taga "standard" XT kasset.
Hakkad ühest hambast pihta: üks, kaks, kolm... kuni jõuad esimeseni tagasi
vot, ka mõtlesin...ja kui mu mälu ei peta, siis 2000 oli lx-i ka 42 hambaga võimalik saada. Need 8speedi omad peaks aga jah 42h olematarmo kirjutas:indrek ei vastanud valesti. lx on olemas ka 42 hambaga. just talvel tellisin saksast uue suure hammaka.
tõsi, tegu on vanema lx-ga, 5 poldiga kinnitus. uued on vist kõik hollowtechid ja 44 hambaga.
võibolla tõesti,et need 8 käigulise omad on 42,aga mul on vana tüüpi 5 pldiga praegult all ja on 44 hammast!indrek kirjutas:vot, ka mõtlesin...ja kui mu mälu ei peta, siis 2000 oli lx-i ka 42 hambaga võimalik saada. Need 8speedi omad peaks aga jah 42h olematarmo kirjutas:indrek ei vastanud valesti. lx on olemas ka 42 hambaga. just talvel tellisin saksast uue suure hammaka.
tõsi, tegu on vanema lx-ga, 5 poldiga kinnitus. uued on vist kõik hollowtechid ja 44 hambaga.
Seda kasutab tuntumatest komponenditreialitest ka Coda-Cannondale. Probleemiks on see, et vahetuse sujuvus ei ole suure hambumise erinevuse tõttu kõige sujuvam ja vajab väga täpset reguleeringut. Nii mõnedki mehed on selle tõttu pidanud võistluse suure hammakaga lõpuni punnima, kuna vahetus mingi hetk lakkab toimimast.charlie kirjutas:huvitav, mikd Shimano ei ole läinud ees kahe hammaka et oleks 44 ja 29 hammakad. Näiteks Middleburn ( on selliseid teinud. eeliseks on ju väiksem kaal ja olgem ausad, palju tee 22 hammakat ees kasutate? peab ikka väga kohvi olema, et tõusul seda kasutada.
Lahendus weightweenidele oleks siis lihtsalt eemaldada väike hammaks, kui teda niikuinii tarvis pole.
tarmo kirjutas:indrek ei vastanud valesti. lx on olemas ka 42 hambaga. just talvel tellisin saksast uue suure hammaka.
tõsi, tegu on vanema lx-ga, 5 poldiga kinnitus. uued on vist kõik hollowtechid ja 44 hambaga.
Deored ja truvativid on kah juba 44ga
see rattasõit on viinud kõik mu finantsid ja .....
Shimano, kui üks PALJUDEST esihammakate tegijatest, ei puutu üldse teemasse. Küsimus 22 hambast on sellise vastusega - 1977 tahtsid Joe Breeze, Otis Guy, and Gary Fisher, mehed Marini maakonnas Californias sõita rattaga, millega saaks mahatulemata mäkke sõita, et seejärel alla kihutada. Ja tegid MOUNTAIN bike.charlie kirjutas:huvitav, mikd Shimano ei ole läinud ees kahe hammaka et oleks 44 ja 29 hammakad. Näiteks Middleburn ( on selliseid teinud. eeliseks on ju väiksem kaal ja olgem ausad, palju tee 22 hammakat ees kasutate?.
Küsimus laiale ringile - mis spordialaga on tegemist.
A race is a 45-60 minute circuit race that takes place on a short loop.
It takes between 5 and 10 minutes to complete one lap.
The course is a mixture of grass, dirt, asphalt, and hopefully mud and snow.
The racer's route includes several forced dismounts and running sections. Dismounts are created with barriers that are 15-20 inches high and are placed in sets of 2 to 4.
To maintain speed, riders will approach a set of barriers at full speed, dismount and begin running while lifting their bikes and jumping over the barriers.
They then set down their bikes, remount on the fly, and resume pedaling.
The bikes are usually somewhere in weight between a road bike and a light XC mountain bike they need to be as light as possible because of the significant amount of lifting and carrying of the bike that is required over the course.
Front shocks are very rare, since most courses have very little in the way of rocky or rooty sections, and they would add too much weight.
Pedals are often double-sided clipless SPD style, used with off-road shoes that sometimes have spikes or knobs under the toes to improve traction in slippery running conditions.
... amazingly painful discipline of cycling.
In the beginning it was intended for road cyclists interested in training and racing during the winter off-season in Europe.
In countries like Belgium, France, Holland, Italy and Switzerland, it enjoys tremendous popularity.
Many racers focus their season on it as their main racing format.
In the United States the popularity of it has been uncertain in recent years, making it difficult to find a race - many Americans have never even heard of the sport...and Estonians too
Kui õige vastuse saan, jätkan teemat
A race is a 45-60 minute circuit race that takes place on a short loop.
It takes between 5 and 10 minutes to complete one lap.
The course is a mixture of grass, dirt, asphalt, and hopefully mud and snow.
The racer's route includes several forced dismounts and running sections. Dismounts are created with barriers that are 15-20 inches high and are placed in sets of 2 to 4.
To maintain speed, riders will approach a set of barriers at full speed, dismount and begin running while lifting their bikes and jumping over the barriers.
They then set down their bikes, remount on the fly, and resume pedaling.
The bikes are usually somewhere in weight between a road bike and a light XC mountain bike they need to be as light as possible because of the significant amount of lifting and carrying of the bike that is required over the course.
Front shocks are very rare, since most courses have very little in the way of rocky or rooty sections, and they would add too much weight.
Pedals are often double-sided clipless SPD style, used with off-road shoes that sometimes have spikes or knobs under the toes to improve traction in slippery running conditions.
... amazingly painful discipline of cycling.
In the beginning it was intended for road cyclists interested in training and racing during the winter off-season in Europe.
In countries like Belgium, France, Holland, Italy and Switzerland, it enjoys tremendous popularity.
Many racers focus their season on it as their main racing format.
In the United States the popularity of it has been uncertain in recent years, making it difficult to find a race - many Americans have never even heard of the sport...and Estonians too
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Viimati muutis mart, 21. 05. 2003. 10:58, muudetud 1 kord.
Ehk oleks mõttekam cyclocrossi ratas võtta. Alustada võiks selliste juppidega:Deore hubs, Alex rims, Ritchey tires, LX BB, Tiagra derailleurs.charlie kirjutas:et oleks 44 ja 29 hammakad. ...olgem ausad, palju tee 22 hammakat ees kasutate? peab ikka väga kohvi olema, et tõusul seda kasutada.
Ja ette paned tavacyclo duubli 48/38