Jahutus kuuma ilmaga
Jahutus kuuma ilmaga
Seoses suure sooja saabumisega Eestimaale on temperatuurid tõusnud kõrgele. Mis oleks teie arvates parim jahutus meetod ilma et peaks kaasas veda sadant pudelid vett jahutuseks. Andke häid nõuandeid
veekogud, hästi ventileeriv kiiver, hele ja ilmale vastav riietus jne. inimeste kuumataluvus on väga erinev ning ühest soovitust ei saa anda. võiks öelda ka et mõtle loogiliselt.
kõige parem on muidugi kodus passida.
kõige parem on muidugi kodus passida.
velo clubbers
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Re: Jahutus kuuma ilmaga
Pea siestat, sõida puude vilus ja rahulikumalt ning joo teed. Variant on veel valgust peegeldav hõbedane trikooRobert kirjutas:Mis oleks teie arvates parim jahutus meetod ilma et peaks kaasas veda sadant pudelid vett jahutuseks. Andke häid nõuandeid

Kui ikka 25+ km/h rauas on, siis ei ole higil vist küll eriti aega naha pinnale jääda. Kõrvus on vaid tuulevilin nii kui natukene lagedamale saad. Praegu tulin just kahe poole tunnisest trennist, 53km ja ei mäleta, et oleks higistanud nii et särk märg. Ja kui viskabki korra särgi märjaks, siis on järgmise minutiga särk juba tuulest kuiv.
Scott Saifer replies (cyclingnews.com)
There are things you can do both between races and during races to reduce the impact of heat. Between races if you are not doing so already, expose yourself to hot environments 24 hours per day. Hot does not need to mean sweltering, but warm enough to keep you sweating just a little bit all the time. It's okay to shop for a few minutes in an air-conditioned store, but don't sleep in an air-conditioned room.
If the ambient temperature is not high enough to keep you sweating a bit, add layers of clothing. You may have noticed professional athletes wearing warm, beanie-style hats on days when all the spectators are bare-headed. They are not covering up helmet hair. They are acclimating or maintaining acclimation to heat.
If you make a habit of living hot, your body will adjust by increasing plasma volume, allowing you to maintain adequate blood flow to the legs even when the body demands that blood flow to the skin for cooling. You will also become a more efficient sweater, pumping smaller amounts of sweat through more numerous sweat glands, using a smaller total amount of water to get the same cooling effect, or an equal amount of water to achieve a greater cooling effect.
Make sure you start your races very well hydrated, and make a habit of salting your food during the sweaty months. Ignore the advice to salt at your peril, unless you have a personal or family history of hypertension, in which case you should ask your doctor before taking this advice.
In the few hours before races, do what you can to keep cool. Especially during warm-up, find a shady spot or preferably an air-conditioned indoor spot. During races, sprinkle water on your jersey, through your helmet and on your shorts. Keep yourself cool and wet.
NO matter what you do to adjust, there is a genetic component to dealing well with heat, so you may not be able to completely eliminate your disadvantage, but taking the advice above will help you greatly reduce it, hopefully to the point that differences in other aspects of fitness or riding skill will become more important.
There are things you can do both between races and during races to reduce the impact of heat. Between races if you are not doing so already, expose yourself to hot environments 24 hours per day. Hot does not need to mean sweltering, but warm enough to keep you sweating just a little bit all the time. It's okay to shop for a few minutes in an air-conditioned store, but don't sleep in an air-conditioned room.
If the ambient temperature is not high enough to keep you sweating a bit, add layers of clothing. You may have noticed professional athletes wearing warm, beanie-style hats on days when all the spectators are bare-headed. They are not covering up helmet hair. They are acclimating or maintaining acclimation to heat.
If you make a habit of living hot, your body will adjust by increasing plasma volume, allowing you to maintain adequate blood flow to the legs even when the body demands that blood flow to the skin for cooling. You will also become a more efficient sweater, pumping smaller amounts of sweat through more numerous sweat glands, using a smaller total amount of water to get the same cooling effect, or an equal amount of water to achieve a greater cooling effect.
Make sure you start your races very well hydrated, and make a habit of salting your food during the sweaty months. Ignore the advice to salt at your peril, unless you have a personal or family history of hypertension, in which case you should ask your doctor before taking this advice.
In the few hours before races, do what you can to keep cool. Especially during warm-up, find a shady spot or preferably an air-conditioned indoor spot. During races, sprinkle water on your jersey, through your helmet and on your shorts. Keep yourself cool and wet.
NO matter what you do to adjust, there is a genetic component to dealing well with heat, so you may not be able to completely eliminate your disadvantage, but taking the advice above will help you greatly reduce it, hopefully to the point that differences in other aspects of fitness or riding skill will become more important.
mu meelest kui külma juua, siis organism kulutab energiat, et viia vedeliku temperatuur kehaga samale temperatuurile. sama ka kuumaga. seega kui tahad, et vedelikust kasu ka oleks, siis juua leiget.velx kirjutas:Aga mis te arvate termospudelist? On sellist kuskilt saada? Termospudelis peaks külm jook kauem jahedana seisma.
Re: Jahutus
aga kas ei ole ohtu, et kogu vesi ja pudel jäässe lähevad? Siis ei saa ju üldse juuaRaunz kirjutas:ma olen teind niimoodi et olen pannud terve rattapudeli jääkuubikuid täis siis pulber ja siis vesi ja see püsib üli kaua külmana!

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Velo Clubbers
Rattastuudio Jooks - muhedaim rattapood
"Studies have shown that riding a bicycle everyday makes you more awesome than the general population!" - And it really works...
Velo Clubbers
Rattastuudio Jooks - muhedaim rattapood
Re: Jahutus
ei oleveloman32 kirjutas: aga kas ei ole ohtu, et kogu vesi ja pudel jäässe lähevad? Siis ei saa ju üldse juua.