Bike Adventure Raid 2006

Läti külavõistlusest TDF-ni
Postitusi: 3
Liitunud: 26. 06. 2006. 20:33

Bike Adventure Raid 2006

Postitus Postitas Ruta » 26. 10. 2006. 18:31

Kopeerin teksti lehelt:

Two days left till deadline of application to BIKE ADVENTURE RAID 2006! Adventure race / bike rally will take place in Latvia on November 4-5. 56 teams have applied to race, 4 of them from Estonia (4 persons per team and only mixed class!) ...

We hope to encourage more Estonians come and try Latvian style of adventure racing events. And this one is suitable and interesting for all from novices till experienced...
Race cource ~130 km in 24 hours, mostly by bike but with some trekking/orienteering sections and special tasks (rope tasks). And organizers promise very interesting and challenging navigation using all kind of legends: traditional ones, speed (!) legends, legends with photos etc, some puzzles of orienteering...

And event will start in Riga on Friday evening with "pre-party". Cheap hostel type accomodation is available for Friday night in race center some 60 km from Riga (Vidzeme direction). Race start: Saturday at 12.00.

Full info:

Welcome to BAR'2006!
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