Latvia open championship 24h MTB 2009
Latvia open championship 24h MTB 2009
Latvia 24h 2009 race will take place on 22.-23. august.
Website - (english version will be available in short)
Whats new?:
1) No 12h race this year, 24h only. You can choose betweeen Solo class, Pairs and Quads (4 participants).
2) On-line results
3) More comfortable competitors (service) area
4) A bi longer, a bit easier course. (but just a bit easier)
Please don't hesitate contact me:
Latvia 24h 2009 race will take place on 22.-23. august.
Website - (english version will be available in short)
Whats new?:
1) No 12h race this year, 24h only. You can choose betweeen Solo class, Pairs and Quads (4 participants).
2) On-line results
3) More comfortable competitors (service) area
4) A bi longer, a bit easier course. (but just a bit easier)
Please don't hesitate contact me:
Re: Latvia open championship 24h MTB 2009
Where in Latvia and what's the fee?
velo clubbers
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Re: Latvia open championship 24h MTB 2009
Fee will you see here
Unfortunately place not mentioned but I'll put my guess on Ogre.
Unfortunately place not mentioned but I'll put my guess on Ogre.
Re: Latvia open championship 24h MTB 2009
The entry fee until july 31. is 15LVL form participant. (~335EEK) after that 20LVL
Location is near Ogre city
On-line entry form will be available in short, for now you can use my email for registration.
Location is near Ogre city
On-line entry form will be available in short, for now you can use my email for registration.
Re: Latvia open championship 24h MTB 2009
Eelmine aasta sai seal käidud ja siis oli võistluskeskus Ogre lähedal vanas karjääris.
Korraldajate sõnul on sellel aastal trass 25% ulatuses uus (varem ring ca. 9 km nüüd tulemas vist 14 km ring) ning võistluskeskus uus - siis järelikult toimumiskoht kuskil seal lähedal ?!
Eelmine aasta olid Porter Racing (24 h) ja Haanja Rattaklubi (12 h) oma mansadega esindatud!
Oli mõnus võistlus - tasub proovida!
Kaua tippisin - Lätist tuli vastus kiiremini
Korraldajate sõnul on sellel aastal trass 25% ulatuses uus (varem ring ca. 9 km nüüd tulemas vist 14 km ring) ning võistluskeskus uus - siis järelikult toimumiskoht kuskil seal lähedal ?!
Eelmine aasta olid Porter Racing (24 h) ja Haanja Rattaklubi (12 h) oma mansadega esindatud!
Oli mõnus võistlus - tasub proovida!
Kaua tippisin - Lätist tuli vastus kiiremini

Re: Latvia open championship 24h MTB 2009
Please find race regulations in English at:
You have to download "Regulations"
You have to download "Regulations"
Re: Latvia open championship 24h MTB 2009
Comment about licenses.
You do not need any license to take part in 24h MTB race. You can participate it, you will get your result, you can (if you can
) win the race.
Licenses are required only for Latvian racers who take part in national championship.
You do not need any license to take part in 24h MTB race. You can participate it, you will get your result, you can (if you can

Licenses are required only for Latvian racers who take part in national championship.
Re: Latvia open championship 24h MTB 2009
Some news and comments:
First of all i would like to inform, that we have extended the term of reduced entry fee from 31. jul to 14. aug.
New closing date for applications will be 20. aug.
We already have two Estonian teams, i would like to encourage others too to take this challenge.
Solo and Pair class will be good for more experienced riders, but in Fours we expect riders who want to take a look, what it's like to participate 24h race and have a good time in great race atmosphere.
There will be coach - relations officer, who will be in charge to keep neighbor country's racers informed about their results, race news, etc.
I have to apologize about mistake in regulations.
In regulations (wrong):
Only those bicycles with wheel diameter not exceeding 26 inches will be admitted to the race.
Must be (correct):
Only those bicycles with wheel diameter not exceeding 29 inches will be admitted to the race.
First of all i would like to inform, that we have extended the term of reduced entry fee from 31. jul to 14. aug.
New closing date for applications will be 20. aug.
We already have two Estonian teams, i would like to encourage others too to take this challenge.
Solo and Pair class will be good for more experienced riders, but in Fours we expect riders who want to take a look, what it's like to participate 24h race and have a good time in great race atmosphere.
There will be coach - relations officer, who will be in charge to keep neighbor country's racers informed about their results, race news, etc.
I have to apologize about mistake in regulations.
In regulations (wrong):
Only those bicycles with wheel diameter not exceeding 26 inches will be admitted to the race.
Must be (correct):
Only those bicycles with wheel diameter not exceeding 29 inches will be admitted to the race.
Re: Latvia open championship 24h MTB 2009
Mõlemad HRK tiimid siis poodiumil!
Üks tähelepanek veel - soolode võitja regas ennast H150-le - porterlased ja muud, minge trenni!

Mõlemad HRK tiimid siis poodiumil!
Üks tähelepanek veel - soolode võitja regas ennast H150-le - porterlased ja muud, minge trenni!

Re: Latvia open championship 24h MTB 2009
Many thanks to HRK for participation! I hope you enjoy the race.
Photos from 24h can be found here:
Photos from 24h can be found here: