Turule lisandunud veel üks POWER vidin, mis väidetavalt ka parem kui muud , kuna (tsiteerides cyclingnews'i):Mati kirjutas:Powermeter (nt PowerTap) on uus ja huvitav jah. Tegelikult ju hinnatakse treenitust power'i põhiselt ka koormustestidel.tarmo kirjutas:...Proffidel ja tõsisematel harrastajatel on mujal maailmas viimastel aastatel põhiliseks abiliseks treeningul powermeter, millel ka pulsoka funktsioonid. Üks toetab teist, kuigi põhiinfo saadakse siiski poweri, mitte pulsi pealt. ...
There?s an accurate power meter that requires no additional componentry and costs less than US$400? ... Instead of directly measuring your power output somewhere in the drivetrain, the iBike Pro measures all the forces you?re working against and then back-calculates based on Newton?s Third Law of Motion. Included among those forces are gravity, wind speed, inherent rider and bike aerodynamic drag, and frictional losses that are calculated using embedded accelerometers, static and dynamic barometric pressure sensors, and careful user calibration. It certainly makes sense in theory, and if it actually works as promised, we?ll be kicking ourselves that we didn?t think of it first.
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