650b arengud
Foorumi reeglid
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Kõik siia postitatud ostu- ja müügikuulutused kustutatakse. Kuulutuste jaoks on eraldi foorumi alajaotus.
Re: 650b arengud
Velotüüned darwinistid on kõnelnud: kakskümmend üheksa on vaid 27.5le eelnenud vahevorm.
Re: 650b arengud
Siin üks arvamus mehelt, kes kõiki kolme versiooni on kasutanud. Ei hakka linki panema, sest arvamus on välja selekteeritud pikast foorumi melust, kus kaarnad mehe suvalisi lauseid ja sõnu välja nokivad ning tekitatud moonutust siis mõnuga kommenteerivad.
26“ vs 27,5“ vs 29“
formerxcpro (Jan 15, 2013 at 11:08)
Part 1.
Having raced on all 3 sizes, here are my personal observations. The worst thing I found with 29'ers was the rotational inertia of the wheels. Marketing Departments at the 29'er companies are great at praising the "terrain-interaction" property of the bigger wheels. The one and ONLY property they are talking about is the geometry of the larger tire as it meets the ground. YES, they are correct in that the larger tire will "interact" with bumpy terrain because it doesn't fall into holes between bumps as far as a smaller tire. This if 100% true. Notice I said "interact" previously instead of "roll". Once an object is rolling, there are laws of physics that come into play. Bike wheels have a certain weight to them. Rolling bike wheels have rotational inertia. When I built-up my 29'er, I built it with wheels that were actually lighter than my 26" wheels (heavy 26" UST tires versus light race tires on the 29). Overall lighter wheels but still felt a LOT harder to spin up. Being a math major, I knew the physics going on here. The formula for Rotational Inertia (or Moment of Inertia) = mass * R squared. R being the distance the mass is from the rotating axis. Because the R is squared, changes in this dimension have a big impact were as changes in mass do not. The Kenda Nevegal is available in all 3 sizes: 26", 650b, and 29". I chose this tire because it comes in all 3 sizes, and it's a "real" tire(more on this later), and the exact same. construction/tread across all 3 sizes. The weight of these tires are approx 610grams, 650grams, and 833grams respectually.
Part 2.
Here are some Moment of Inertia calculations on these 3 different tires (the rotational inertia of the rim and spokes is being ignored here since it is minimal). The Moment of Intertia for these 3 tires is approx 66.5gm2, 76gm2, and 113gm2 (grams meters squared). Notice there is small difference between the 26' and 650b, but a huge difference going to the 29er. This is that R squared thing kicking in. Back to the "real" tire comment I made above. I consider a "real" tire one that I can ride the local trails with, works well in most terrain wet or dry. I can rip the local bike park with it AND race on it. A do-it-all tire. I don't keep mutiple wheels sets around with different tires for different things. I need a do-it-all tire and ones that durable enough to handle it. Notice that the Moment of Inertia is only slightly higher for the 650b tire than the 26" and it's the same great tire, same great tread pattern I like, and the size. Now look at the 29er". It's almost double the 26" tire. Now of course this is for a real tire, sized up to 29" diamter. If 29er bikes had tires like this on them in the bike shop, it would feel so heavy during the "parking lot" test that nobody would buy them. That's why they have "29'er specific" tires. These are typically smaller (2.0 vs 2.1 and bigger for 26"), have lighter casings, and thinner rubber with a race tread pattern. The pro's you see winning races are on these, and the bikes in the bike shops come something like this.
I wouldn't recommend doing downhill runs at your local ski resort with these. Using the same Moment of Intertia(MOI) formula, we can find out exactly how light a 29'er tire would need to be to have the same moment of interia as a 26" tire. Using the MOI of the Kenda Nevegal 26*2.1 at 66.5gm2 as the target, a 29" tire would have to weight 490grams to spin up like the 26" wheel. If you repeated the laps on the 29er and 800+ gram tires, you may get completly different results. At the end of the day, this is just my opinion. I eventually settled on a 26" FS bike, converted to 650b wheels. No crazy compensated geometry, no super-light tires to worry about, standard mtb triple ring still works (they don't work with 29, that's why they created the new 2-ring setups). Similar flick-ability of the 26, some of the benefits of a larger wheel, without the the draw-backs of the way larger wheel.
Part 3.
By the way. Just because they call 650b "27.5", that does't mean it's 27.5" and its not half way between 26 and 29. Look up the ISO bead seat dimensions of a 26" rim, a 650b rim, and a 29" rim. 26" rim is 559mm, 650b is 584mm and 29er is 622mm. 650b is 1/3 of the way between 26 and 29. That is 1" diameter bigger, not 1.5" like most assume based on the inaccurate 27.5 name. My 650b wheel with a 2.1 Kenda Nevegal is exactly 1" larger diameter than my 26" wheel with a 2.1 Kenda Nevegal. That is exactly 1/2" larger radius. That's why most 26" frames and 26" suspension forks can be ran with 650b wheels. I have won cross country races on all 3 sizes. 26" is and will always be the best climbing and best in super tight single track but has it's limitations in super fast bumpy stuff. The 29'er rules on smoother, faster, non-technical stuff, and coasting downhill, but is a handfull when there is a lot of steep climbs and tight singletrack. 650b does a good job of splitting the difference. Nico Shurter is winning World Cups with it.
26“ vs 27,5“ vs 29“
formerxcpro (Jan 15, 2013 at 11:08)
Part 1.
Having raced on all 3 sizes, here are my personal observations. The worst thing I found with 29'ers was the rotational inertia of the wheels. Marketing Departments at the 29'er companies are great at praising the "terrain-interaction" property of the bigger wheels. The one and ONLY property they are talking about is the geometry of the larger tire as it meets the ground. YES, they are correct in that the larger tire will "interact" with bumpy terrain because it doesn't fall into holes between bumps as far as a smaller tire. This if 100% true. Notice I said "interact" previously instead of "roll". Once an object is rolling, there are laws of physics that come into play. Bike wheels have a certain weight to them. Rolling bike wheels have rotational inertia. When I built-up my 29'er, I built it with wheels that were actually lighter than my 26" wheels (heavy 26" UST tires versus light race tires on the 29). Overall lighter wheels but still felt a LOT harder to spin up. Being a math major, I knew the physics going on here. The formula for Rotational Inertia (or Moment of Inertia) = mass * R squared. R being the distance the mass is from the rotating axis. Because the R is squared, changes in this dimension have a big impact were as changes in mass do not. The Kenda Nevegal is available in all 3 sizes: 26", 650b, and 29". I chose this tire because it comes in all 3 sizes, and it's a "real" tire(more on this later), and the exact same. construction/tread across all 3 sizes. The weight of these tires are approx 610grams, 650grams, and 833grams respectually.
Part 2.
Here are some Moment of Inertia calculations on these 3 different tires (the rotational inertia of the rim and spokes is being ignored here since it is minimal). The Moment of Intertia for these 3 tires is approx 66.5gm2, 76gm2, and 113gm2 (grams meters squared). Notice there is small difference between the 26' and 650b, but a huge difference going to the 29er. This is that R squared thing kicking in. Back to the "real" tire comment I made above. I consider a "real" tire one that I can ride the local trails with, works well in most terrain wet or dry. I can rip the local bike park with it AND race on it. A do-it-all tire. I don't keep mutiple wheels sets around with different tires for different things. I need a do-it-all tire and ones that durable enough to handle it. Notice that the Moment of Inertia is only slightly higher for the 650b tire than the 26" and it's the same great tire, same great tread pattern I like, and the size. Now look at the 29er". It's almost double the 26" tire. Now of course this is for a real tire, sized up to 29" diamter. If 29er bikes had tires like this on them in the bike shop, it would feel so heavy during the "parking lot" test that nobody would buy them. That's why they have "29'er specific" tires. These are typically smaller (2.0 vs 2.1 and bigger for 26"), have lighter casings, and thinner rubber with a race tread pattern. The pro's you see winning races are on these, and the bikes in the bike shops come something like this.
I wouldn't recommend doing downhill runs at your local ski resort with these. Using the same Moment of Intertia(MOI) formula, we can find out exactly how light a 29'er tire would need to be to have the same moment of interia as a 26" tire. Using the MOI of the Kenda Nevegal 26*2.1 at 66.5gm2 as the target, a 29" tire would have to weight 490grams to spin up like the 26" wheel. If you repeated the laps on the 29er and 800+ gram tires, you may get completly different results. At the end of the day, this is just my opinion. I eventually settled on a 26" FS bike, converted to 650b wheels. No crazy compensated geometry, no super-light tires to worry about, standard mtb triple ring still works (they don't work with 29, that's why they created the new 2-ring setups). Similar flick-ability of the 26, some of the benefits of a larger wheel, without the the draw-backs of the way larger wheel.
Part 3.
By the way. Just because they call 650b "27.5", that does't mean it's 27.5" and its not half way between 26 and 29. Look up the ISO bead seat dimensions of a 26" rim, a 650b rim, and a 29" rim. 26" rim is 559mm, 650b is 584mm and 29er is 622mm. 650b is 1/3 of the way between 26 and 29. That is 1" diameter bigger, not 1.5" like most assume based on the inaccurate 27.5 name. My 650b wheel with a 2.1 Kenda Nevegal is exactly 1" larger diameter than my 26" wheel with a 2.1 Kenda Nevegal. That is exactly 1/2" larger radius. That's why most 26" frames and 26" suspension forks can be ran with 650b wheels. I have won cross country races on all 3 sizes. 26" is and will always be the best climbing and best in super tight single track but has it's limitations in super fast bumpy stuff. The 29'er rules on smoother, faster, non-technical stuff, and coasting downhill, but is a handfull when there is a lot of steep climbs and tight singletrack. 650b does a good job of splitting the difference. Nico Shurter is winning World Cups with it.
Tööpaeval, kui ilm ilus, sõidan 5 km. Puhkepäeval olen korduvalt teinud lausa 7 km.
Re: 650b arengud
Suurt osa sellest tekstist ei saa isegi arvamuseks nimetada, füüsikaseadused on ikkagi universaalne tõde
Selge see, et Nevegal on Eesti oludes natuke liiga karm kumm, aga point jääb samaks, kui stardis ringi vaatan, siis 29te all näeb harva midagi muud kui Furiousi või Burti, seda ilmselt siis nende kerge kaalu pärast. Ise pole 29 proovinud, aga kuna ise olen ka raskemate maastikukummide (nt. Ron, X-king, Ralph, minimaalselt 2.2 laius, sageli tugeva küljega) pooldaja, siis 29 peal oleks nende kasutamine oluliselt tülikam (loe: raskem).
Ainus üllatav asi tekstis oli, et autor pidas parimaks ronijaks 26 varianti. Kas 29 inerts on tõesti niipalju suurem, et nullib ära väidetavalt parema haardumise pinnasega?

Ainus üllatav asi tekstis oli, et autor pidas parimaks ronijaks 26 varianti. Kas 29 inerts on tõesti niipalju suurem, et nullib ära väidetavalt parema haardumise pinnasega?
Zero the Hero
Re: 650b arengud
Pro-Lite 2014 raamid alt laienevale kaelale, pressitav BB92 keskjooks, tagumine kahvel 135mm QR või 142mm X12
Aluvalu: http://www.pro-lite.net/mtb-frames/aosta
Kiududest: http://www.pro-lite.net/mtb-frames/chatillon
Aluvalu: http://www.pro-lite.net/mtb-frames/aosta
Kiududest: http://www.pro-lite.net/mtb-frames/chatillon
Re: 650b arengud
Vabandan juba ette OT eest, aga talupojamõistusega tundub, et tunnete ja füüsika kombineerimine selles Mardi viidatud ingliskeelses jutus ei ole päris ausalt tehtud.
Inertsimoment, mis ingliskeelses näites toodud andmete põhjal on 29sel rehvil 1,7 korda suurem kui 26sel rehvil on siiski sellisena "jalas tunda" ainult juhul kui jooksud kiirendatakse ühesuguse pöörlemissageduseni. Kui võtame arvesse, et suurema jooksu pöörlemissagedus on sama jalgratta kiiruse juures madalam, siis peaks vahe jutus toodud andmete põhjal olema väiksem (vist umbes 1,35 kordne). Sest süsteemis "rehv" talletatud (ja ka kiirendamiseks vajatav) energia sõltub inertsimomendist ja (saavutatavast) nurkkiirusest.
Iseasi kas see teadmine midagi muudab
Lisaks. See energia ei ole süsteemist ratas+inimene kadunud enne kui teda soojuseks ei konverteerita. Ja siin peaks suurem läbimõõt olema efektiivsem, sest
a) tänu suuremale inertsimomendile kipub rehv kiirendamisel vähem libisema
b) tänu suuremale läbimõõdule kaob vähem jõudu teepinna konarustesse
Kui me ratast meelega (piduritega või näiteks hetkeks tuulest välja tulles) või ka kogemata (näiteks vastu puud sõites), pidurdame , siis muidugi lihtsalt kaotame talletatud energia.
Olen hea meelega nõus ennast parandama kui eksin...
Inertsimoment, mis ingliskeelses näites toodud andmete põhjal on 29sel rehvil 1,7 korda suurem kui 26sel rehvil on siiski sellisena "jalas tunda" ainult juhul kui jooksud kiirendatakse ühesuguse pöörlemissageduseni. Kui võtame arvesse, et suurema jooksu pöörlemissagedus on sama jalgratta kiiruse juures madalam, siis peaks vahe jutus toodud andmete põhjal olema väiksem (vist umbes 1,35 kordne). Sest süsteemis "rehv" talletatud (ja ka kiirendamiseks vajatav) energia sõltub inertsimomendist ja (saavutatavast) nurkkiirusest.
Iseasi kas see teadmine midagi muudab

Lisaks. See energia ei ole süsteemist ratas+inimene kadunud enne kui teda soojuseks ei konverteerita. Ja siin peaks suurem läbimõõt olema efektiivsem, sest
a) tänu suuremale inertsimomendile kipub rehv kiirendamisel vähem libisema
b) tänu suuremale läbimõõdule kaob vähem jõudu teepinna konarustesse
Kui me ratast meelega (piduritega või näiteks hetkeks tuulest välja tulles) või ka kogemata (näiteks vastu puud sõites), pidurdame , siis muidugi lihtsalt kaotame talletatud energia.
Olen hea meelega nõus ennast parandama kui eksin...
Re: 650b arengud
Ei eksi. Näiteks siin on asi väga kenasti kokku võetud.
Inertsimoment ja raadiuse ruut ei ole tegijad.
Kerged jooksud on küll jätkuvalt tähtsad, sest nende kiirendamiseks läheb topeltports energiat, aga eeldades, et kummi (ja pöia) mass on võrdeline tema ümbermõõduga, on seos jooksu diameetri ja ratta mingi kiiruseni kiirendamiseks vajaliku energia vahel siiski lineaarne.
See on teine asi mis mind selles tsiteeritud artiklis häiris. Näitesse valitud kummil oli 29" eksemplar teistest ebaproprotsionaalselt raskem. Kui kasvõi Schwalbe toodangut vaadata (Rocket Roni vaatasin konkreetselt), siis on 26, 27.5 ja 29 kummide massid üsna hea sõltuvuses diameetrist.
Inertsimoment ja raadiuse ruut ei ole tegijad.
Kerged jooksud on küll jätkuvalt tähtsad, sest nende kiirendamiseks läheb topeltports energiat, aga eeldades, et kummi (ja pöia) mass on võrdeline tema ümbermõõduga, on seos jooksu diameetri ja ratta mingi kiiruseni kiirendamiseks vajaliku energia vahel siiski lineaarne.
See on teine asi mis mind selles tsiteeritud artiklis häiris. Näitesse valitud kummil oli 29" eksemplar teistest ebaproprotsionaalselt raskem. Kui kasvõi Schwalbe toodangut vaadata (Rocket Roni vaatasin konkreetselt), siis on 26, 27.5 ja 29 kummide massid üsna hea sõltuvuses diameetrist.
Re: 650b arengud
Siin on päris põhjalikult arutletud ka sellel teemal: http://www.eleven.cc/blog/2013/the-650b-placebo-effect/
Re: 650b arengud
Ei ole offtopic ja ilmselt sa ei eksi kaErx27 kirjutas:Vabandan juba ette OT eest, aga talupojamõistusega tundub, et tunnete ja füüsika kombineerimine selles Mardi viidatud ingliskeelses jutus ei ole päris ausalt tehtud.
Olen hea meelega nõus ennast parandama kui eksin...

Blogimise ajastut tuleb üldse võtta nagu ta on, vahest saavadki grafomaanidest seetõttu arvamusliidrid, aga tõde selgub ikka pigem talupojamõistust ja õpikutarkust kombineerides. Mõned lihtsalt ei rahuldu sellega, et tal kodus on "varasemast parem" lahendus, vaid peab kõigile tõestama, et see on "ainuke ja parim".
Re: 650b arengud
Eurobike 2013 osalenud rattatootjate nägemusi 650b positsioonist ja tulevikust - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHDEzZ6u2ps#t=380
velo clubbers
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Re: 650b arengud
Mati kirjutas:Eurobike 2013 osalenud rattatootjate nägemusi 650b positsioonist ja tulevikust - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHDEzZ6u2ps#t=380

Aga samas huvitav, et arvamused on suht seinast-seina, mingit ühist joont peale selle, et kõik servast mainisid, et 26 on surnud, nagu ei olnud.
Re: 650b arengud
Maailma suurima rattatootjana võib lubada väikest enesekindlust.margus21 kirjutas:Giant'i mees on hea müügimees, momendil on vaja 650't müüa kõvasti...Mati kirjutas:Eurobike 2013 osalenud rattatootjate nägemusi 650b positsioonist ja tulevikust - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHDEzZ6u2ps#t=380
Mulle paistis jutust hästi trend mis puudutab sõitja kasvu - lühematele 650b ja pikematele 29". Lisaks erinevatele distsipliinidele eri suurused. Tundub loogiline.margus21 kirjutas:Aga samas huvitav, et arvamused on suht seinast-seina, mingit ühist joont peale selle, et kõik servast mainisid, et 26 on surnud, nagu ei olnud.
velo clubbers
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Re: 650b arengud
Kui ma olen seda juttu rääkinud, olen ma eestis osade meeste käest verbaalselt molli saanud. 2 korda järjest.Mati kirjutas:Mulle paistis jutust hästi trend mis puudutab sõitja kasvu - lühematele 650b ja pikematele 29". Lisaks erinevatele distsipliinidele eri suurused. Tundub loogiline.
Re: 650b arengud
Kannatlikkust kodanik!AndreK kirjutas:Kui ma olen seda juttu rääkinud, olen ma eestis osade meeste käest verbaalselt molli saanud. 2 korda järjest.Mati kirjutas:Mulle paistis jutust hästi trend mis puudutab sõitja kasvu - lühematele 650b ja pikematele 29". Lisaks erinevatele distsipliinidele eri suurused. Tundub loogiline.
I'm extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way in the end.
Margaret Thatcher
velo clubbers
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Re: 650b arengud
Veel kitsedele kolme kuhja vahel - Mountain bike wheel sizes: 26in, 650b and 29in explained
velo clubbers
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Re: 650b arengud
Vist üks kergemaid baike poelettidel
Diamant Apex 27 LTD 6.4kg

Diamant Apex 27 LTD 6.4kg

Re: 650b arengud
Ma küll selle kohta MTB ei julgeks öelda. Flatbariga tsüklokaskapuuts kirjutas:Vist üks kergemaid baike poelettidel
Diamant Apex 27 LTD 6.4kg

Re: 650b arengud
Kui hind ka parem oleks (5439.-), siis saaks isegi asja.
Re: 650b arengud
Kui muidu enam ei saa, siis tuleb minna rehvide kallale
Ehk, saaga jätkub - http://www.bikeradar.com/mtb/gear/artic ... 7-5-42832/

velo clubbers
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"
Tavaline jobu: "Ega maraton, kui tahab ikka maratoni nime kanda, ei peagi mingi morsipidu olema."
Üks mees: "Tapab tempo, mitte rada"
Kivipallur: "Tark teab, tugev teeb trenni!"