Alvaro kirjutas:Kuldar kirjutas:Üks katsetamist väärt odav ja lihtne
lahendus chainsuckiga võitlemiseks.
kaablivitsa sobivasse pikkusesse nuditud sabad peaksid siis takistama keti ülesvedamist.
Väga hea lahendus, kuid kui mu tagasihoidlik tehniline taip ei peta, siis see saab toimida vaid ühel konkreetsel esimesel hammakal ehk kõige väiksemal. Seda aga kasutame me ju haruharva Eesti tingimustes.
selgitav tekstiosa:
Attached is a picture of my present setup, which originally had only one black
zip tie (the one on the left). That kind of setup didn't, however, work properly
as such. There are two reasons for this: first of all the black zip tie was too
far out to the left from the ring set and it was too flexible, which is why it
alone couldn't prevent the chain from rising upward with the middle ring.
According to the attached picture my present setup comprises some more black zip
ties, one after the other closer to the ring set, and finally a white zip tie
that is somewhat stiffer than the black ones. This white zip tie is tightened
and glued (as the black ones) by some drops of Loctite on the chainstay right
behind the big ring, so that its cut end is almost against the back of the big
ring (or its teeth). With this setup the chain suck problem has disappeared
totally, though I've tested it lots of time by changing more than necessary from
the middle ring to the minor and vice versa with all possible gear
combinations.As a matter of fact, I think that the white zip tie alone with its
present placement might do the job, but I have decided not to risk the
functioning of the present setup by removing anything, now that it works
perfect. Maybe you should start from the white zip instead and check this up ?